Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hotel le Bon.

This is going to be a quick entry about my day at the Bon.

For those of you that don't know but for some reason care, I worked at Bon Secour's a small inner city hospital in West Baltimore. To give you an idea of the surrounding area, at my training, I heard 22ish gunshots. Anyways I worked phlebotomy in the ER for about a year, drawing blood, setting up IV's and some other stuff just to help out when things got wild. I loved the experience but then new management came in and apparently phlebotomists are not legally allowed to set up IV's. In the ER the vast majority of the patients need to have IV's in order to administer meds and repeat blood tests so me sitting there doing only straight sticks was kind of worthless and long story short they eliminated that position all together. I then started working as an accessioning clerk in the lab, basically prepping all of the specimens to go through with their lab tests, very boring in comparison with the ER. Now that I completed my first semester of nursing school I can work as a ER tech doing everything I was doing as a phlebotomist + a lot more (BALLING).

Anyway, I was working in a clinic that is a part of Bon Secour where I worked over the summer filling in for the resident phlebotomist there. I was just getting used to drawing blood again and getting used to the system since the most amount of work in that office was dealing with insurances rather then actually collecting the specimens. On my break I walked over to the ER and met with one of the ER supervisors and she told me that they were hoping I was going to be done soon so I could join back up *SCORE*. We then walked around the ER for a second and I saw a bunch of the old staff as well as a lot of new staff. It was nice seeing everyone and they actually did some upgrades as well. I'm really excited to be back in the ER, hopefully by January I'll be setting up IV's telling people that its my first day again. When I got back from my break I continued drawing blood... definitely had some rust but it wasn't too bad, I didn't miss anyone except for a lady that was simply unstickable. While I was in the middle of drawing blood I heard on of the people working the office proceed to flip on this doctor. It was kind of out of the blue and I was completely caught off guard especially since I had just stuck the needle into my patients arm (lemme know if that made your arm twitch ;-) ). Apparently this doctor talked down to all the women in the office, granted the only men in the office was me and another doctor. I think its pretty whack how people can just talk down to another person regardless of who they are, where their from and so on. But I made sure not to pass any judgments on this doctor and it turned out to be essential. I had to draw his blood later in the day and I knew that if I did it out of anger then there would be no point in drawing his blood anyway since the whole point of me working in health care is to help people. Funny thing is that the doctor was mad scared... more scared than the 8 year old I stuck earlier in the day. As I was leaving for the day, I had to drop off specimens in the actual hospital's lab. When I saw the lady working in accessioning (she had trained me before) I told her I had brought her a present. Her response was "why couldn't you have just brought your self with out the blood"... most awkward moment ever... even more so because she’s about 50.
End of story.

1 comment:

Martina said...

Welcome back to ER! We really could use you on the graveyard shift! Doc