Sunday, February 1, 2009

And your point is?

It's not about a goal, its not about a specific point... it's about your purpose. Do you know what you're purpose in life is? Often time's people confuse all of these together, I know I used to all the time... The difference is that someone’s purpose takes on a spiritual meaning and is rather subjective, where as a goal is objective and is materialistic in nature. What I mean by materialistic isn’t necessarily about ‘bling’ or whatever, but rather something ‘worldly’.
The reason I bring up this topic is because we often define our 'life goals' as simply that... goals. What happens when you reach that goal and your still alive? Do you just sit around and try to think of another goal, which could possibly elude you for the rest of your life? I think it's important for everyone of us to know our purpose in life. A purpose is something that you can continuously work on which allows you to grow more in that aspect of your life. For example if you're purpose in life is to help people, you can make goals in accordance with that purpose. This allows you to grow continuously throughout you're life.
Now what if everyone knew their purpose? What if everyone would have a goal everyday working towards that point? I would like to think the world would be a different place. This is all presuming that everyone's purpose in life is to have a positive effect on the world- as no person casts themselves out to be a bad guy. In order to work towards our purpose in life we need to take little steps... after all, it's not like a purpose is something that can be complete, it is an on going process, that helps us purify ourselves.
On a side note; why don't we make a goal for our selves regardless of what you feel your purpose might be in life, to help at least one person every single day.

In any case school started this past week. I need to keep myself focused. My clinical is also at shock trauma so I’m really pumped it should be a great experience iA. I need to get back in the gym – I had problems with my left shoulder again where I would have crepitus whenever I raised it above my head. I had this problem junior year during lax season as well but I guess its back again unfortunately…
I also have a flikr account – check it out wheneves.


nikki.j said...

wow this is such a good post. very well written :)

when our goals change from being about the material and ourselves (which ultimately feed ego)-- we open up completely new doors in our life. Its okay to have those material goals, bc thats what motivates us to keep living..but its important to tie the spiritual part into it too.. so that there is more meaning to what we are doing

nikki.j said...
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bottled ships said...

This was a great piece of insight, Akbar. Thanks for posting it. =)

Akbar said...

Thanks guys!
If you dont mind me asking who are you -bottled ships?

bottled ships said...

bottled ships = Salma