Monday, October 26, 2009


I was watching the film Bab' Aziz and thoroughly enjoyed it... this movie is beautiful I suggest all of you watch it.... you can find it on youtube the first link is here:

Come be the witness of my death
Why me? Im afraid of death.
Exactly. If the baby in the darkness of the mother’s womb was told: “Outside there’s a world of light, with great mountains, high seas, undulating plains, beautiful gardens in blossom, brooks, sky full of stars and a blazing sun.. and you facing all of these marvels stay enclosed in this darkness...”. The child knowing nothing about these marvels wouldn’t believe any of it. like us, when we’re facing death. That’s why we’re afraid.
But there can’t be light in death because it is the end of everything.
How can death be the ending of something that has no beginning? Hassan, my son, don’t be sad on my wedding night.
Your wedding night?
Yes. My wedding night with eternity.


Davood said...

Akbuuur, it would have been nice if we all watched it together at UMBC last semester when the "deepening circle" showed it in the Mosaic center. We had a small chat before we all hurriedly departed due to final exams.

Pronator Teres said...

I think I'll have to watch it again to gain a full understanding, but thanks for the link- it was really thought provoking.