Monday, June 22, 2009

Pop pop's day.

So it’s 2 am the day after Father’s day and I’m sitting at my kitchen table in my PJ’s with milk, cookies, and my laptop. Since my last blog 6 years ago, I’ve started picking up about 3 shifts a week at work, (12 hours each) today was one of my workdays. Work has been going very well, learning something new everyday (as usual) and it doesn’t hurt that making people laugh and healing never gets old.

Throughout the day people were asking me if I was a father… apparently I look 34. Anyway, the ER was rather slow and the weather was exceptional so I decided to go eat lunch in the courtyard with 75-degree weather and a nice calm breeze (the courtyard is a completely enclosed area with several benches and a nice little grass area that only employees have access to). After eating my lunch I started thinking more about my father and his impact on my life. I realized that I probably wouldn’t have cared anywhere as much for people in general like I do now had it not been for him. This means that I probably wouldn’t have gone into health care. And for those of you mistakenly call me your friends, probably wouldn’t.

After realizing how much I had gained and continue to gain from having had my father for a [huge] part of my life, I realized the sad fate that so many children share- not having their fathers in their lives. This is a sad reality and really makes me wonder how these children miss out on so much. However, inevitably they have or will become stronger from it.

Appreciating my father(and all those around the world that choose to be a part of their children’s lives) today has helped me realize that we should all try to help out those without a father figure in their lives so that they may grow up to become the father that they never had.

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